FFXIV Roleplay Character Crystal - BalmungThis carrd/character may deal with NSFW/triggering themes. This is your only warning.Carrd Last Updated Oct 3rd '24


Well, I'm perfection when it comes to first impressions
Well, I romanticize, and then I get to stressing

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

name. Harper Josephine delacroix.
age. 27.
race. Half-midlander hyur/Half-wildwood elezen.
birthday. 1st Sun of the 3th Astral Moon (May 1st).
gender. Female.
pronouns. She/her.
sexuality. Flexible.
languages spoken. Common/Eorzean; old ishgardian; Garlean; some thavnarian.

"Is there anybody going to listen to my story
All about the girl who came to stay?
She's the kind of girl
You want so much, it makes you sorry

Still you don't regret a single day"

height. 5'8".
hair color. A rich dark brunette with purple highlights.
eye color. Violet.
skin tone. Tanned and freckled.
notable features. A patchwork of numerous tattoos adorn her body, many symbolizing meaningful aspects of her life experience, worldview, and personality. A number of solid gold piercings; ears, nipples and navel.

miscellaneous details. Harper is never unarmed, though it might seem as such. She's known to either carry a gold-plated revolver or a straight razor she's named Bitchcutter. She almost always has her trademark sunglasses and a heart-shaped locket made of solid gold.

job occupation. Owner of Hédonique; Manager @ Nightshade; Accountant-for-hire; agent of The Lotus.
place of origin. Labyrinthos, Old Sharlayan.
home. The Goblet; Costa del Sol
affiliation. The Lotus; The Scholarly House Delacroix.
marital status. Available.

d&d alignment. Neutral evil.
likes. Money, reading, strange magic, physical fitness, her sisters and their families; brandy, upper drugs, moko smoke, designer clothing, gold jewelry, roses of any color (but especially red), song and dance; clubbing; attractive people.
dislikes. moralists, the cold, most lalafells, disrespect to her or her friends and family, most criticism, silence.

personality. Harper is greedy, narcissistic, drug-addled, and fueled by her own hedonism. Some may call her quiet or seemingly detached, but she prefers to observe as she forms her opinions, picking her spots to offer her insights. She seems fast to be friendly, but slow to really trust anyone fully. There is often a sense that she is guarded, behind her confident demeanor. She uses her wits and education to get ahead in life. She often employs her rhetorical skills to solve problems but isn't above getting physical when the need or desire arises.The fact is that Harper has mastered the art of reading most people and gives them a version of herself that she thinks will get her what she's after. This isn't always the case, as she can be quite sincere to the few people she actually cares about. The trick is that she makes most folks feel like she cares about them, so it's hard to tell the difference.

Social Skills★★★★★★★☆☆☆

headcanon one. Harper has developed a reputation as a reliable earner. From money laundering to drug sales, she has made a lot of coin in her brief time working for her sister Pamina.
headcanon two. While Harper no longer lives primarily at Nightshade, she is there every day to take care of the people who do. Providing them with the support they require, both emotionally and materially, as well as making sure they're all paid for the work they do.
headcanon three. To say that Harper lives her life on her own terms would be an understatement. What others would call vices and addictions; she would call a good time. And to Harper, nothing matters more than having fun when she can find it. Nothing's off the table, and she never seems to get her fill. Sex, drugs, booze, gambling, and spending the coin she earns however the fuck she wants.
headcanon four. One of Harper's most unexpected and valued relationships is the one she is developing with her sister Pamina. What started for Harper as a respectfully distant appreciation has turned into warm gratitude for the Spellslinger. From sage advice, financial assistance, and imparting magical instruction, Pamina has made herself available for Harper in ways that many might not suspect.


  • Levin Magic There's nothing quite like the feeling of electricity coursing through you. The smell of burning ozone, the flash of light so bright it could blind and so hot it could cauterize the flesh around its destination even as it blasts holes through it. To harness this power, to unleash it, is a gift Harper possesses real skill in.

  • Elemental Magic Harper also has the ability to harness other elemental forces, thanks to her training. Though some come much easier than others.

  • Barrier Magic Sometimes the best offense is a good defense. Harper's ability to cast powerful barriers was honed under the instruction of her sister Pamina, a real trial by fire that put the pupil to the test. She passed. Having boundless aether comes in handy in a pinch.

Pysical Combat.

  • Revolvers While Harper rarely needs to employ them, she happens to be a crack shot with near-impeccable aim and a steady trigger finger. Her two gold plated pieces, Ebony and Ivory, are almost always nearby.

  • Bitchcutter Sometimes you're just too close to pull a piece or cast a spell safely. That's when Harper's straight razor comes in handy. It's diamond-sharp and easy to whip out when an attitude adjustment is called for.

  • Hand-to-hand Working at a fightclub comes with certain expectations. The ability to knock folks around as needed is one of these. Harper practices her technique as part of her fitness regimen. Care to test her?

Strengths & Weaknesses.

Well-Mannered (situational)Needy


  • Mathematics There's something about math that clicks in Harper's mind. She has always had a knack for numbers and how to manipulate them to her advantage with skill.

  • Diplomacy Whether it be as peacemaker or dealmaker, Harper has a skill with rhetoric that has come in handy in her career and in her life in general. Thoughtful in her arguments, she has the ability to use logic and reason to her advantage. Paying attention has its benefits.

  • Sex She'd rarely brag about it, but as they say, practice makes perfect. That doesn't mean she'll lay down for just anyone. She has standards and she tends to stick to them, more often than not. Mistakes have been made... Hush!

  • Dancing Trained under one of the best instructors in the realm, and blessed with natural rhythm and dexterity, Harper's ability to dance is known well among her friends and those who have seen her at the club.


Nothing is new, I've seen her here before
Ooh, she's sitting with you but her eyes are on the door

  • Strangers in a Strange Land The rumors is that Harper is the woman to see, if you're looking to relocate to or from Eorzea and need official looking documents that pass the sniff test. Some say she can help people start new lives, regardless of their past, or even their nature. Criminals, escaped slaves, voidsent, nightkin, mutants, and other such undesirables might find a pathway to a new start, but it may come at a high cost.

  • The Girl's Good With Numbers Harper studied at Sharlayan's vaunted Studium, with her focus on Forensic Accounting. The detail-oriented woman is always open to offers to look over the books of other businesses and give her financial advice. Some suspect she maybe be someone who is skilled at laundering the gil, though no real proof of that exists.

  • Questionable Morals Harper doesn't allow conventional moral norms guide her in any way, instead plotting her life by her own personal code. 'Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law' seems to be the rule of the day for this vice-heavy girl. Whether it be sex, drugs, or crime, little seems to be off the table.

Try Me.

Oh daddy dear, you know you're still number one
But girls, they wanna have fun...

  • Blinded By The Light For those who are either sensitive to aether, or have full-on Aethersight, Harper seems to hold an abundance of the life essence. So much that it seems to radiate from her as if she were cup that runneth over. Those who are in need of aether may find themselves drawn to her, and soothed by her, regardless of whether they know or understand why or not. Those looking for explanations may go away disappointed in the lack of answers, as she rarely ever speaks of it with those unknown to her.

  • It Should Be A Crime! Harper's associations and work for her brother-in-law have led many to suspect that the Sharlayan is not only a criminal, but part of a larger organized crime family. Between dealing drugs, cleaning illicit coin, forging necessary documents, and her connection to several criminal enterprises, the evidence seems to point in that direction. Harper doesn't often talk about her less than legal work, and if she does it's vague at best. Only close friends and co-workers tend to know the truth of her dealings.

  • Your Own Ideas Go for it!


Slow down you crazy child, you're so ambitious for a juvenile
But if you're so smart, tell me why are you still so afraid?

You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own...

Iriseli Mieret-moor
The Spider Lily

Harper and Iriseli are sisters by way of their father Aslan. Among her siblings, Iri seems to share Harper's sense of fun the most. It is far from the only thing the two have in common, which has led to them becoming very close.


Fox Kurai
the chaos

You never really know what fox might do at any given moment. And while it might seem like the woman is a slave to her impulses, Harper suspects that her friend is very much in control of the whirlwind her actions and words create. That's why Harper likes her so much.


Aslan Snow
the cutie

This adorable little miqo'te seeker infant has somehow come into Harper's custody. Don't worry about it too much, she's got help raising the little guy.


Pamina Silraia
The Spellslinger

Harper and Pamina are sisters by way of their father Aslan. Harper has had no greater benefactor, sharing her wealth and her knowledge with her fellow half-elezen. A coworker, a mentor, and a friend, Harper finds Pamina remarkable.


Aiden Ras'vanae
The Troublemaker

Before Harper made her trek to the south, she felt trapped on the island of her birth. Things felt hopeless, until she met a man who told her of the larger world and the potential she could realize if she'd only take the first steps and seize it. His name was Aiden, and his motives were his own. But Harper considers few people closer.


Xyphris Shadecross
The Revenant

Harper's counterpart in crime, Xyphris was tasked to do the things Harper couldn't. To get his hands dirty so Harper could keep her conscience clean. At this, he excels. He's a close friend, a moko buddy, and the shadow standing watch to keep her safe.


this piece of shit
the red flag

just wait. everyone thinks he's charming and polite, but just fucking wait. there's history here, it's like everyone forgot. but whatever, go ahead and trust this fucker again.

nemesis/co-parent/back-up plan

Ariadne Shadecross
the chameleon

one could ask if anyone really knows the real Ariadne Shadecross. The Ariadne Harper met and got to know was bright, bubbly, inquisitive, and fun. At a time in Harper's life where she simply needed fun, there was an Ariadne for the occasion.


tristan solianteaux
the tempest

they met when both of their lives were at a crossroads. on paper, the two could hardly be more different. and yet, harper quickly recognized his pain and his pleasure, having seen its like in her own life experiences.


lenore atoel
the witch of the wood

Of all of Harper's friends, Lenore might be the one she relates to the most. Harper also sees Lenore as an example to aspire to. The viera's 'take no shit' attitude is something that Harper respects and enjoys greatly.


Aslan Calidon

Harper's father, and the bright spot of her early years. A man who could do no wrong in Harper's eyes, even if he walked away from her.

acalan pech

Harper's brother by way of their father Aslan. Not much is known about Acalan.

Terran Rieneport
The farmboy

Everyone else would suggest to Harper that this farmboy was just an average normal sort of guy. But Harper has never looked at Terran that way. For the kindness he has shown her, she will love the man for as long as she lives. Even if life pulled them in different directions.


Arken Rennatta

Arken was a friend Harper made through Terran, but he's become a part of Harper's life in his own right. Harper sees the Highlander as a man who can be relied upon and occasionally confided in. Steady and logical, but still good for a laugh.


Luna Green
The Eclipse

It wasn't clear at first whether Harper was going to like Luna, though none of that was the fault of the miqo'te. They've since become much closer, due to Luna's willingness to support Harper's family and their shared interests.


Marie Delacroix

Harper's mother, a woman who lost her will to parent when she was left to do it on her own. Her career came first, always.

Zhafira Pech

Harper's Sister by way of their father Aslan. Not much is known about Zhafira.

Every time they were sure they had you caught
You were quicker than they thought...


I've learned how not to miss the age of tenderness
That I am so lucky to have seen once

OOC I am Cerulean. 40+ She/Her. I'm a mature happily committed woman (not looking for RL love, so don't bother,) who has been role playing for a long time, and online in MMO's for about twelve years or so, about four of them in this game. I'm on west coast time, in the states, but I work from home, and it allows me to be available for RP a lot. It's my favorite hobby, by far, and so it's what I do the most. Mostly in the evening, often all night long.
I'm looking for more long-term RP, as opposed to one-offs, but I will do both. I'm looking for dark and mature themes that help develop Harper as a character. Despite Harper's very sex-positive attitudes and bouts of impulsiveness, this is not an ERP-centric character, and I am picky about the characters I have her engage with sexually. That being said, I'm not against the notion, it just has to feel right for Harper.
I'd like to thank you for reading Harper's carrd. I primarily roleplay on either Balmung or Mateus but are willing to world visit for RP on other servers. I'm a mature adult woman, and prefer that the players I engage with also be adults, 21+ please.
Finally, I'm a HUGE believer in the IC/OOC boundary, and insist on maintaining that separation, both while IC and OOC. Please limit your bleed to the very minimum. Also, if you're a bigot OOCly, whether it be focused on race, nationality, sexuality, gender, disability or anything else, I'm not going to suffer you long, so save us both the trouble and either don't engage with me, or hide it so good I never even catch a whiff.


Some of the pics below are NSFW,many reflect old character designs
most are not IC.